Source code for sqlalchemy_tree.orm

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    :copyright: (C) 2012-2014 the SQLAlchemy-ORM-Tree authors and contributors
                <see AUTHORS file>.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, \
    with_statement, unicode_literals

import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import DeclarativeMeta as BaseDeclarativeMeta

from .exceptions import InvalidMoveError

__all__ = (

[docs]class TreeMapperExtension(sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces.MapperExtension): """An extension to a node class' mapper, handling insertion, deletion, and updates of tree nodes. This class is instantiated by the manager object, and the average developer need not bother himself with it. :param options: instance of :class:`TreeOptions` """ def __init__(self, options): super(TreeMapperExtension, self).__init__() # Save the options for future use. self._tree_options = options def __clause_element__(self): """Allows to use instances of ``TreeMapperExtension`` directly as argument for ``sqlalchemy.orm.Query.order_by()`` to efficiently order a query into preorder traversal ordering (sort by first ``tree_id`` and then ``left`` fields). It may seem odd to put this in the mapper extension, but it is so that order-by behavior can be used prior to mapping, such as in the setup of relationships.""" return self._tree_options.order_by_clause() def _reload_tree_parameters(self, connection, *args): "Forcibly loads tree parameters for passed in nodes from the database." options = self._tree_options for node in args: if node is None: continue node_pk = getattr(node, if node_pk is None: continue parent_id, tree_id, left, right, depth = connection.execute([ options.parent_id_field, options.tree_id_field, options.left_field, options.right_field, options.depth_field, ]) .where(options.pk_field == node_pk) ).fetchone() sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( node,, parent_id) sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( node,, tree_id) sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( node,, left) sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( node,, right) sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( node,, depth)
[docs] def before_insert(self, mapper, connection, node): """Just prior to a previously non-existent node being inserted into the tree. Sets up the tree state (``tree_id``, ``left``, ``right`` and ``depth``) for ``node`` (which has not yet been inserted into in the database) so it will be positioned relative to a given ``target`` node in the manner specified by ``position`` (the insertion parameters), with any necessary space already having been made for it. ``target`` and ``position`` are stored on a hidden attribute of node, having been set when ``TreeManager.insert`` was called by the user, or otherwise auto-generated by the session's ``before_flush`` handler. A ``target`` of ``None`` indicates that ``node`` should become the last root node, which is a constant-time insertion operation. (Positioning root nodes with respect to other root nodes can be accomplished by using the ``POSITION_LEFT`` or ``POSITION_RIGHT`` constants and specifying the neighboring root node as ``target``.) Accepted values for ``position`` are ``POSITION_FIRST_CHILD``, ``POSITION_LAST_CHILD``, ``POSITION_LEFT`` or ``POSITION_RIGHT``. ``POSITION_LAST_CHILD`` is likely to cause the least number of row updates, so therefore it is the default behavior if ``position`` is not specified. """ options = self._tree_options params, session_objs = getattr(node, options.delayed_op_attr) target, position = params self._reload_tree_parameters(connection, node, target) if target is None: # Easy: no target is specified, so place it as the root node of a new # tree. This requires just one query (to find the id of the new tree) # and no row updates. tree_id = self._get_next_tree_id(connection, session_objs) sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( node,, None) sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( node,, tree_id) sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( node,, 1) sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( node,, 2) sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( node,, 0) elif (getattr(target, == 1 and position in [options.class_manager.POSITION_LEFT, options.class_manager.POSITION_RIGHT]): # Almost as easy as the last case: the node will become a root node, so # we need only shift up by one the id value of any trees we are # displacing. target_tree_id = getattr(target, if position == options.class_manager.POSITION_LEFT: node_tree_id = target_tree_id target_tree_id = target_tree_id - 1 else: node_tree_id = target_tree_id + 1 self._manage_tree_gap(connection, session_objs, target_tree_id, 1) sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( node,, None) sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( node,, node_tree_id) sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( node,, 1) sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( node,, 2) sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( node,, 0) else: # Otherwise our business is only slightly more messy. We need to # allocate space in the tree structure for our new node by shifting all # nodes to the right up by two spaces. sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( node,, 0) sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( node,, 1) sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( node,, 0) gap_target, depth, left, parent_id, right_shift = \ self._calculate_inter_tree_move_values(node, target, position) if parent_id is None: tree_id = None else: tree_id = connection.execute([ options.tree_id_field, ]) .where(options.pk_field == parent_id) ).fetchone()[0] self._manage_position_gap( connection, session_objs, tree_id, gap_target, right_shift) sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( node,, parent_id) sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( node,, left) sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( node,, left + 1) sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( node,, depth) sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( node,, tree_id)
[docs] def after_insert(self, mapper, connection, node): "Just after a previously non-existent node is inserted into the tree." options = self._tree_options delattr(node, options.delayed_op_attr)
[docs] def before_delete(self, mapper, connection, node): "Just prior to an existent node being deleted." options = self._tree_options session_objs = getattr(node, options.delayed_op_attr) self._reload_tree_parameters(connection, node) # To prevent any cascade effects, we NULL-out any adjacency-list links to # the node being deleted. These links will be replaced with proper values # in the after_delete handler. pk = getattr(node, connection.execute( sqlalchemy.update(options.table) .values({options.parent_id_field: None}) .where(options.parent_id_field == pk) ) for obj in session_objs: if getattr(obj, == pk: sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( obj,, None)
[docs] def after_delete(self, mapper, connection, node): "Just after an existent node is updated." options = self._tree_options session_objs = getattr(node, options.delayed_op_attr) delattr(node, options.delayed_op_attr) parent_id = getattr(node, tree_id = getattr(node, left = getattr(node, right = getattr(node, depth = getattr(node, if left == 1: # Root node! Any children will be promoted to be root nodes # themselves. # First we gather information about the immediate children: children = connection.execute([ options.left_field, options.right_field]) .where( (options.tree_id_field == tree_id) & (options.left_field > left) & (options.left_field < right) & (options.depth_field == depth + 1)) .order_by( sqlalchemy.asc(options.left_field)) ).fetchall() # We either close the gap formed by removing the tree (if there are no # children), or make room for a separate tree for each child: self._manage_tree_gap( connection, session_objs, tree_id, len(children) - 1) # Now for each child we promote that child to be root node of a new # tree, updating all of it and its children's tree parameters: next_tree_id = tree_id for child_left, child_right in children: # The shift is how much the positional fields (left/right) will have # to be adjusted so that the new root node starts from 1. shift = child_left - 1 # Assign the new tree parameters: connection.execute( options.table.update().values( {options.tree_id_field: next_tree_id, options.left_field: options.left_field - shift, options.right_field: options. right_field - shift, options.depth_field: options. depth_field - 1}).where( (options.tree_id_field == tree_id) & (options.left_field >= child_left) & (options.left_field <= child_right))) # Handle new nodes which are part of the subtree being promoted to # root: for obj in session_objs: obj_tree_id = getattr(obj, if obj_tree_id != tree_id: continue obj_left = getattr(obj, obj_right = getattr(obj, obj_depth = getattr(obj, if obj_left >= child_left and obj_right <= child_right: # Assign the new tree parameters: sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( obj,, next_tree_id) sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( obj,, obj_left - shift) sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( obj,, obj_right - shift) sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( obj,, obj_depth - 1) # Increment the tree_id for the next time through the loop: next_tree_id += 1 # Handle new nodes which are to be promoted to root themselves: for obj in session_objs: obj_tree_id = getattr(obj, if obj_tree_id != tree_id: continue obj_left = getattr(obj, obj_right = getattr(obj, obj_depth = getattr(obj, if obj_left > left and obj_right < right and obj_depth == depth + 1: # The shift is how much the positional fields (left/right) will have # to be adjusted so that the new root node starts from 1. shift = obj_left - 1 # Assign the new tree parameters: sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( obj,, next_tree_id) sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( obj,, obj_left - shift) sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( obj,, obj_right - shift) sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( obj,, obj_depth - 1) # Increment the tree_id for the next time through the loop: next_tree_id += 1 else: # Child node, which is much simper than the root node case. We simply # update the tree parameters of the children and eliminate the two gaps # where the old node's left and right values were. # First, we need to update the parent before touching the borns values = { # if left > node.left and left < node.right and depth == node.depth + 1: # parent = node.parent # else: # parent = parent options.parent_id_field:[ ((options.left_field > left) & (options.left_field < right) & (options.depth_field == depth + 1), parent_id) ], else_=options.parent_id_field) } # Only update the tree the original node was a part of: connection.execute(options.table.update() .values(values) .where((options.tree_id_field == tree_id))) # Then we can update the left/right/depth fields values = { # if left > node.left and left < node.right: # depth = depth - 1 # else: # depth = depth options.depth_field: [((options.left_field > left) & (options.left_field < right), options.depth_field - 1)], else_=options.depth_field), # if left > node.left and left < node.right: # left = left - 1 # elif left > right: # left = left - 2 # else: # left = left options.left_field:[ ((options.left_field > left) & (options.left_field < right), options.left_field - 1), ((options.left_field > right), options.left_field - 2) ], else_=options.left_field), # if right > node.left and right < node.right: # right = right - 1 # elif right > right: # right = right - 2 # else: # right = right options.right_field:[ ((options.right_field > left) & (options.right_field < right), options.right_field - 1), ((options.right_field > right), options.right_field - 2) ], else_=options.right_field) } # Only update the tree the original node was a part of: connection.execute(options.table.update() .values(values) # Only update the tree the original node was a part of: .where((options.tree_id_field == tree_id))) for obj in session_objs: obj_tree_id = getattr(obj, if obj_tree_id != tree_id: continue obj_left = getattr(obj, obj_right = getattr(obj, obj_depth = getattr(obj, if (obj_left > left and obj_left < right and obj_depth == depth + 1): sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( obj,, parent_id) if (obj_left > left and obj_left < right): sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( obj,, obj_left - 1) elif (obj_left > right): sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( obj,, obj_left - 2) if (obj_right > left and obj_right < right): sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( obj,, obj_right - 1) elif (obj_right > right): sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( obj,, obj_right - 2) if (obj_left > left and obj_left < right): sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( obj,, obj_depth - 1)
[docs] def before_update(self, mapper, connection, node): """Called just prior to an existent node being updated. Possibly moves ``node`` relative to a given ``target`` node as specified by ``position`` (when appropriate), by examining both nodes and calling the appropriate method to perform the move. ``target`` and ``position`` are stored on a hidden attribute of node, having been set when ``TreeManager.insert`` was called by the user, or otherwise auto-generated by the session's ``before_flush`` handler upon detection of an adjacency-list change. A ``target`` of ``None`` indicates that ``node`` should be made into the last root node. (Positioning root nodes with respect to other root nodes can be accomplished by using the ``POSITION_LEFT`` or ``POSITION_RIGHT`` constants and specifying the neighboring root node as ``target``.) Valid values for ``position`` are ``POSITION_LEFT``, ``POSITION_RIGHT``, ``POSITION_FIRST_CHILD`` or ``POSITION_LAST_CHILD``. ``node`` will be modified to reflect its new tree state in the database. Depending on the type of the move, a good many other nodes might be modified as well. This method explicitly checks for ``node`` being made a sibling of a root node, as this is a special case due to our use of tree ids to order root nodes. """ options = self._tree_options if not hasattr(node, options.delayed_op_attr): return params, session_objs = getattr(node, options.delayed_op_attr) target, position = params delattr(node, options.delayed_op_attr) self._reload_tree_parameters(connection, node, target) node_is_root_node = getattr(node, == 1 if target is None: if not node_is_root_node: self._make_child_into_root_node(connection, session_objs, node) elif (getattr(target, == 1 and position in [options.class_manager.POSITION_LEFT, options.class_manager.POSITION_RIGHT]): self._make_sibling_of_root_node( connection, session_objs, node, target, position) else: if node_is_root_node: self._move_root_node( connection, session_objs, node, target, position) else: self._move_child_node( connection, session_objs, node, target, position)
[docs] def after_update(self, mapper, connection, node): "Just after an existent node is updated." options = self._tree_options if hasattr(node, options.delayed_op_attr): delattr(node, options.delayed_op_attr)
def _get_next_tree_id(self, connection, session_objs): """Determines the next largest unused tree id.""" options = self._tree_options # tree_ids = filter( # lambda tree_id: tree_id is not None, [ # getattr(n, # for n in session_objs]) tree_ids = [ tree_id for tree_id in [ getattr(n, for n in session_objs ] if tree_id is not None ] return max(tree_ids + [connection.execute([ (sqlalchemy.func.max(options.tree_id_field)).label('tree_id') ])).fetchone()[0] or 0]) + 1 def _manage_tree_gap(self, connection, session_objs, target_tree_id, size): """Creates space for a new tree *after* the target by adding ``size`` to all tree id's greater than ``target_tree_id``.""" options = self._tree_options connection.execute( options.table.update() .values({options.tree_id_field: options.tree_id_field + size}) .where(options.tree_id_field > target_tree_id)) for obj in session_objs: obj_tree_id = getattr(obj, if obj_tree_id > target_tree_id: sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( obj,, obj_tree_id + size) def _manage_position_gap( self, connection, session_objs, tree_id, target, size): """Manages spaces in the tree identified by ``tree_id`` by changing the values of the left and right columns by ``size`` after the given ``target`` point.""" options = self._tree_options connection.execute( options.table.update().values( {options.left_field: [(options.left_field > target, options.left_field + size)], else_=options.left_field), options.right_field: [ (options.right_field > target, options.right_field + size)], else_=options.right_field), }).where( (options.tree_id_field == tree_id) & ((options.left_field > target) | (options.right_field > target)))) for obj in session_objs: obj_tree_id = getattr(obj, if obj_tree_id != tree_id: continue obj_left = getattr(obj, obj_right = getattr(obj, if obj_left > target: sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( obj,, obj_left + size) if obj_right > target: sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( obj,, obj_right + size) def _calculate_inter_tree_move_values(self, node, target, position): """Calculates values required when moving ``node`` relative to ``target`` as specified by ``position`` (one of ``left``, ``right``, ``first-child`` or ``last-child``).""" options = self._tree_options node_left = getattr(node, node_right = getattr(node, node_depth = getattr(node, target_left = getattr(target, target_right = getattr(target, target_depth = getattr(target, if (position == options.class_manager.POSITION_LAST_CHILD or position == options.class_manager.POSITION_FIRST_CHILD): if position == options.class_manager.POSITION_LAST_CHILD: gap_target = target_right - 1 else: gap_target = target_left depth_change = target_depth - node_depth + 1 parent_id = getattr(target, elif (position == options.class_manager.POSITION_LEFT or position == options.class_manager.POSITION_RIGHT): if position == options.class_manager.POSITION_LEFT: gap_target = target_left - 1 else: gap_target = target_right depth_change = target_depth - node_depth parent_id = getattr(target, else: raise ValueError(u"an invalid position was given: %s" % position) left_right_change = gap_target - node_left + 1 right_shift = 0 if parent_id: right_shift = node_right - node_left + 1 return gap_target, depth_change, left_right_change, parent_id, right_shift def _inter_tree_move_and_close_gap( self, connection, session_objs, node, new_tree_id, left_right_change, depth_change, parent_id=None): """Removes ``node`` from its current tree, with the given set of changes being applied to ``node`` and its descendants, closing the gap left by moving ``node`` as it does so. If ``parent_id`` is ``None``, this indicates that ``node`` is being moved to a brand new tree as its root node, and will thus have its parent field set to ``NULL``. Otherwise, ``node`` will have ``parent_id`` set for its parent field.""" options = self._tree_options tree_id = getattr(node, left = getattr(node, right = getattr(node, depth = getattr(node, gap_size = right - left + 1 connection.execute( options.table.update() .values({ options.parent_id_field: [(options.pk_field == getattr(node,, parent_id)], else_=options.parent_id_field), options.tree_id_field: [((options.left_field >= left) & (options.left_field <= right), new_tree_id)], else_=options.tree_id_field), options.left_field: [((options.left_field >= left) & (options.left_field <= right), options.left_field + left_right_change), ((options.left_field > right), options.left_field - gap_size)], else_=options.left_field), options.right_field: [((options.right_field >= left) & (options.right_field <= right), options.right_field + left_right_change), ((options.right_field > right), options.right_field - gap_size)], else_=options.right_field), options.depth_field: [((options.left_field >= left) & (options.left_field <= right), options.depth_field + depth_change)], else_=options.depth_field), }) .where(options.tree_id_field == tree_id)) for obj in session_objs: obj_tree_id = getattr(obj, if obj_tree_id != tree_id: continue obj_left = getattr(obj, obj_right = getattr(obj, obj_depth = getattr(obj, if obj_left >= left and obj_left <= right: sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( obj,, new_tree_id) sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( obj,, obj_left + left_right_change) sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( obj,, obj_depth + depth_change) elif obj_left > right: sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( obj,, obj_left - gap_size) if obj_right >= left and obj_right <= right: sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( obj,, obj_right + left_right_change) elif obj_right > right: sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( obj,, obj_right - gap_size) sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( node,, parent_id) def _make_child_into_root_node(self, connection, session_objs, node, new_tree_id=None): """Removes ``node`` from its tree, making it the root node of a new tree. If ``new_tree_id`` is not specified a new tree id will be generated.""" options = self._tree_options if not new_tree_id: new_tree_id = self._get_next_tree_id(connection, session_objs) left = getattr(node, right = getattr(node, depth = getattr(node, left_right_change = 1 - left depth_change = -depth self._inter_tree_move_and_close_gap(connection, session_objs, node, new_tree_id, left_right_change, depth_change) def _make_sibling_of_root_node( self, connection, session_objs, node, target, position): """Moves ``node``, making it a sibling of the given ``target`` root node as specified by ``position``. Since we use tree ids to reduce the number of rows affected by tree management during insertion and deletion, root nodes are not true siblings; thus, making an item a sibling of a root node is a special case which involves shuffling tree ids around.""" options = self._tree_options if node == target: raise InvalidMoveError( u"a node may not be made a sibling of itself") tree_id = getattr(node, target_tree_id = getattr(target, if getattr(node, > 1: if position == options.class_manager.POSITION_LEFT: gap_target = target_tree_id - 1 new_tree_id = target_tree_id elif position == options.class_manager.POSITION_RIGHT: gap_target = target_tree_id new_tree_id = target_tree_id + 1 else: raise ValueError( u"an invalid position was given: %s" % position) self._manage_tree_gap(connection, session_objs, gap_target, 1) self._make_child_into_root_node( connection, session_objs, node, new_tree_id) else: if position == options.class_manager.POSITION_LEFT: if target_tree_id > tree_id: new_tree_id = target_tree_id - 1 if tree_id == new_tree_id: return lower_bound, upper_bound = tree_id, new_tree_id shift = -1 else: new_tree_id = target_tree_id lower_bound, upper_bound = new_tree_id, tree_id shift = 1 elif position == options.class_manager.POSITION_RIGHT: if target_tree_id > tree_id: new_tree_id = target_tree_id lower_bound, upper_bound = tree_id, target_tree_id shift = -1 else: new_tree_id = target_tree_id + 1 if node == new_tree_id: return lower_bound, upper_bound = new_tree_id, tree_id shift = 1 else: raise ValueError( u"an invalid position was given: %s" % position) connection.execute( options.table.update() .values({ options.tree_id_field: [(options.tree_id_field == tree_id, new_tree_id)], else_=options.tree_id_field + shift), }) .where( (options.tree_id_field >= lower_bound) & (options.tree_id_field <= upper_bound) )) for obj in session_objs: obj_tree_id = getattr(obj, if obj_tree_id >= lower_bound and obj_tree_id <= upper_bound: if obj_tree_id == tree_id: sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( obj,, new_tree_id) else: sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( obj,, obj_tree_id + shift) def _move_root_node( self, connection, session_objs, node, target, position): """Moves root node``node`` to a different tree, inserting it relative to the given ``target`` node as specified by ``position``.""" options = self._tree_options tree_id = getattr(node, left = getattr(node, right = getattr(node, depth = getattr(node, new_tree_id = getattr(target, if node == target: raise InvalidMoveError(u"a node may not be made a child of itself") elif tree_id == new_tree_id: raise InvalidMoveError( u"a node may not be made a child of any of its descendants") gap_target, depth_change, left_right_change, parent_id, right_shift = \ self._calculate_inter_tree_move_values(node, target, position) # Create space for the tree which will be inserted self._manage_position_gap( connection, session_objs, new_tree_id, gap_target, right_shift) # Move the root node, making it a child node connection.execute( options.table.update().values( {options.parent_id_field: [ (options.pk_field == getattr(node,, parent_id)], else_=options.parent_id_field), options. tree_id_field: new_tree_id, options.left_field: options. left_field + left_right_change, options.right_field: options. right_field + left_right_change, options.depth_field: options. depth_field + depth_change, }).where( (options.tree_id_field == tree_id) & (options.left_field >= left) & (options.left_field <= right))) for obj in session_objs: obj_tree_id = getattr(obj, if obj_tree_id != tree_id: continue obj_left = getattr(obj, obj_right = getattr(obj, obj_depth = getattr(obj, if obj_left >= left and obj_left <= right: sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( obj,, new_tree_id) sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( obj,, obj_left + left_right_change) sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( obj,, obj_right + left_right_change) sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( obj,, obj_depth + depth_change) # Update the former root node to be consistent with the updated # tree in the database: sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( node,, parent_id) # Remove the gap previously occupied by the tree self._manage_tree_gap(connection, session_objs, tree_id - 1, -1) def _move_child_node( self, connection, session_objs, node, target, position): """Calls the appropriate method to move child node ``node`` relative to the given ``target`` node as specified by ``position``.""" options = self._tree_options tree_id = getattr(node, new_tree_id = getattr(target, if tree_id == new_tree_id: self._move_child_within_tree( connection, session_objs, node, target, position) else: self._move_child_to_new_tree( connection, session_objs, node, target, position) def _move_child_to_new_tree( self, connection, session_objs, node, target, position): """Moves child node ``node`` to a different tree, inserting it relative to the given ``target`` node in the new tree as specified by ``position``.""" options = self._tree_options left = getattr(node, right = getattr(node, depth = getattr(node, new_tree_id = getattr(target, width = right - left + 1 gap_target, depth_change, left_right_change, parent_id, right_shift = \ self._calculate_inter_tree_move_values(node, target, position) # Make space for the subtree which will be moved self._manage_position_gap( connection, session_objs, new_tree_id, gap_target, width) # Move the subtree self._inter_tree_move_and_close_gap( connection, session_objs, node, new_tree_id, left_right_change, depth_change, parent_id) def _move_child_within_tree( self, connection, session_objs, node, target, position): """Moves child node ``node`` within its current tree relative to the given ``target`` node as specified by ``position``.""" options = self._tree_options left = getattr(node, right = getattr(node, depth = getattr(node, width = right - left + 1 tree_id = getattr(node, target_left = getattr(target, target_right = getattr(target, target_depth = getattr(target, if position in [options.class_manager.POSITION_FIRST_CHILD, options.class_manager.POSITION_LAST_CHILD]: if node == target: raise InvalidMoveError( u"a node may not be made a child of itself") elif left < target_left < right: raise InvalidMoveError( u"a node may not be made a child of any of its descendants") if position == options.class_manager.POSITION_FIRST_CHILD: if target_left > left: new_left = target_left - width + 1 new_right = target_left else: new_left = target_left + 1 new_right = target_left + width else: if target_right > right: new_left = target_right - width new_right = target_right - 1 else: new_left = target_right new_right = target_right + width - 1 depth_change = target_depth - depth + 1 parent_id = getattr(target, elif position in [options.class_manager.POSITION_LEFT, options.class_manager.POSITION_RIGHT]: if node == target: raise InvalidMoveError( u"a node may not be made a sibling of itself") elif left < target_left < right: raise InvalidMoveError( u"a node may not be made a sibling of any of its descendants") if position == options.class_manager.POSITION_LEFT: if target_left > left: new_left = target_left - width new_right = target_left - 1 else: new_left = target_left new_right = target_left + width - 1 else: if target_right > right: new_left = target_right - width + 1 new_right = target_right else: new_left = target_right + 1 new_right = target_right + width depth_change = target_depth - depth parent_id = getattr(target, else: raise ValueError(u"an invalid position was given: %s" % position) left_boundary = min(left, new_left) right_boundary = max(right, new_right) left_right_change = new_left - left gap_size = width if left_right_change > 0: gap_size = -gap_size connection.execute( options.table.update() .values({ options.parent_id_field: [(options.pk_field == getattr(node,, parent_id)], else_=options.parent_id_field), options.left_field: [((options.left_field >= left) & (options.left_field <= right), options.left_field + left_right_change), ((options.left_field >= left_boundary) & (options.left_field <= right_boundary), options.left_field + gap_size)], else_=options.left_field), options.right_field: [((options.right_field >= left) & (options.right_field <= right), options.right_field + left_right_change), ((options.right_field >= left_boundary) & (options.right_field <= right_boundary), options.right_field + gap_size)], else_=options.right_field), options.depth_field: [((options.left_field >= left) & (options.left_field <= right), options.depth_field + depth_change)], else_=options.depth_field), }) .where(options.tree_id_field == tree_id)) for obj in session_objs: obj_tree_id = getattr(obj, if obj_tree_id != tree_id: continue obj_left = getattr(obj, obj_right = getattr(obj, obj_depth = getattr(obj, if obj_left >= left and obj_left <= right: sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( obj,, obj_left + left_right_change) sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( obj,, obj_depth + depth_change) elif obj_left >= left_boundary and obj_left <= right_boundary: sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( obj,, obj_left + gap_size) if obj_right >= left and obj_right <= right: sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( obj,, obj_right + left_right_change) elif obj_right >= left_boundary and obj_right <= right_boundary: sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( obj,, obj_right + gap_size) # Update the node object to be consistent with database. sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value( node,, parent_id)
[docs]class TreeSessionExtension(sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces.SessionExtension): """An session extension handling insertion, deletion, and updates of tree nodes. This class is instantiated by the manager object, and the average developer need not bother himself with it. :param options: instance of :class:`TreeOptions` :param node_class: the mapped object class for tree nodes """ def __init__(self, options, node_class): super(TreeSessionExtension, self).__init__() # Save the options for future use. self._tree_options = options self._node_class = node_class
[docs] def before_flush(self, session, flush_context, instances): "Just prior to a flush event, while we still have time to modify the flush plan." options = self._tree_options session_objs = [ n for n in if isinstance(n, options.node_class) ] for node in if not isinstance(node, self._node_class): continue if hasattr(node, options.delayed_op_attr): setattr(node, options.delayed_op_attr, (getattr(node, options.delayed_op_attr), session_objs)) elif (node in or sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.get_history( node, options.parent_field_name).has_changes()): if (hasattr(options, 'order_with_respect_to') and len(options.order_with_respect_to)): raise NotImplementedError else: position = options.class_manager.POSITION_LAST_CHILD target = getattr(node, options.parent_field_name) target_id = getattr(node, if not target or != target_id: # If the parent relationship is not set, or changed, # try to get it from the parent id column. if target_id is None: target = None else: target = session.query(options.node_class).get(target_id) setattr( node, options.delayed_op_attr, ((target, position), session_objs)) for node in filter(lambda n: isinstance(n, options.node_class), session.deleted): setattr(node, options.delayed_op_attr, session_objs)
class DeclarativeMeta(BaseDeclarativeMeta): """ Metaclass for declaratively defined node model classes. All options that :class:`TreeManager` accepts can be provided with a class property ``__tree_options__``. They are passed on to the :class:`TreeManager` constructor. A special class variable ``__tree_manager__`` must exist and hold a string name which will be used as tje `TreeManager` descriptor property. """ def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct): from .manager import TreeManager # Unless __tree_manager__ defines the name of the manager # we attach, we ignore this class and don't consider it # to be tree-enabled. if not hasattr(cls, '__tree_manager__'): super(DeclarativeMeta, cls).__init__(name, bases, dct) return tree_manager_name = cls.__tree_manager__ # preventing the property from being inherited del cls.__tree_manager__ # Read any options the class defines for the tree manager. opts = {} if hasattr(cls, '__tree_options__'): opts = cls.__tree_options delattr(cls, '__tree_options__') # SQLAlchemy will create both the table and the mapper now. super(DeclarativeMeta, cls).__init__(name, bases, dct) # Instantiate a TreeManager for the table created by the super call. # # TreeManager would normally auto-attach missing colums to # the table; we skip this here, because here we also need to # add them to the mapper, and doing so will automatically add # them to the table as well; we hae to avoid this conflict. tree_manager = TreeManager(cls.__table__, _attach_columns=False, **opts) # Now, all the fields the TreeManager would normally automagically # add to the table, we manually add to the mapper class. SQLAlchemy # will take care of alos adding them as columns to the table. for field in tree_manager.options.required_fields: # Columns get attached to the table here if not hasattr(cls, # SQLAlchemy 0.5.x needs this: dct[] = field # and SQLAlchemy 0.6.x needs this: setattr(cls,, field) # Finally, the indices that TreeManager would normally create were # also skipped due to _attach_columns=False; now that the __table__ # has our columns, we can also attach the indices. tree_manager.options.attach_indices() setattr(cls, tree_manager_name, tree_manager) mapper_ext = tree_manager.mapper_extension if hasattr(cls.__mapper__, 'extension'): # SQLAlchemy < 0.7 cls.__mapper__.extension.append(mapper_ext) else: # SQLAlchemy 0.7+ # We have to setup our event listening here, which register() # does. Unfortunately, the register call is part of # TreeClassManager, which means to access it we need to access # the descriptor TreeManager.__get__, which has some logic to # find the root ORM class of a tree node (in order to support # ORM inheritance properly). This code causes some mapper # validation, which breaks foreign keys to other ORM mappers # that have not yet been defined. # So for now we require the user to manually call # Object.tree.register(), but with some refactoring, we can # move register() upwards, from TreeClassManager to TreeManager, # and make it accessible without this validation, which should # not be necessary at this point. #getattr(cls, tree_manager_name).register() pass